Sunday, 15 March 2015


Hey guys, it's been long. It's like ever since I got hacked by that girl I only reinstated a couple of posts but haven't blogged since.

Anyway I don't have the best, brightest, smoothest, whitest skin ever, but I've gotten DOZENS of questions requests about my skin care, or to blog my 'acne story' on


So yep! I'd be expanding in more elaborate details on those few points! 

Firstly, this was the worst, documented condition my face lapsed into. I emphasized documented, because there were ALOT worst that I couldn't bring myself to photograph (too depressing) - Red, angry, 3D and huge acnes I couldn't even hide with make-up, like DEFINITELY 200% worst than this, this was actually on the road of recovery.

Using camera.

Using phone. (Shot around same period)

And that's me, to be honest, I'm a pretty lazy girl, I'll be like, "As long as make-up still can cover, it's okay la."
Until the day even make-up can't conceal, and I had to have LAYERS caked on and it still shows, that's when I finally decided I gotta do something. (Yes, I waiting to kena slap hahaha)

I decided that randomly whacking on facial products/'wonder creams'/oxy10 whatever is not gonna cut it. I wanna have decent skin without having make-up on. :)

1) I'm gonna see a doctor.
So I read up online, checked around for reputable and acclaimed skin doctors, read up on reviews (not sponsored or paid ones), did my homework and settled on -

Dr Chan Clinic @ Kovan!

Address: #01-327, 212 Hougang Street 21, Singapore 530212
Phone:6288 2340
 Overall, I only visited Dr Chan, twice. Other than the fact that he's funnier than how people wrote him to be, the consultation advice he gave me, yes, like other reviews mentioned, his approach to solving acnes is template for everyone.

EVERYONE with acnes problem, will be issued the 3-pronged approach. So if you're looking for customized solution, skipppppp.

1) Cleanser 
2) Medicine
3) Cream

Let me brief you through the instructions.
He'd advice you to wash your face with the cleanser 4 times a day, and there would be 2 sets of medication for you. 1 is antibiotics (Suprim 430) to be taken regularly, another (acnotin) would be alternate days. (E.g:Tues, Thurs, Sat) While going through treatment, you are not to put any sunblock, toner, ANY other skin care on your face or even facials. (which's fine by me, save costs LOL)

So of course, since I've gotten his consultation time, I asked him some of the customary questions probably burning inside you guys too, narrated to the best of my memory:

1) Why am I plagued with acnes?
Doctor: Acnes come when your face is dry, and oily, clogging the pores, not enough hydration and causing break-outs.

2) But I think my face is normal/dry skin type, dont look like combination/oily skin.
Doctor: You think your skin is not combi-skin, ALOT OF GIRLS come in and tell me the same thing, don't look like, but there IS excess oils on your face!
(I always imagined combi-skin to be REALLY oily sort in mental images)

3) Is there anything I should avoid doing?
Doctor: Just follow my 4 steps won't go wrong, 1) DON'T touch your face. 2) Drink lots of water! 3) DON'T apply those toner ah, sunblock ah, BB cream la on your face, nonono, ONLY POWDER. 4) And take my medicine as prescribed!

4) Is there a difference between 'pimples' and 'acnes', or are they the same?
Doctor: You have your English name and you have your Chinese name, is both names still you? Then correct already, they are the sameee. 
(But to be honest, I disagree though, my friends in Science Dip/Major also disagree! We think they are different skin conditions!)

All in all, I was pretty surprised he's quite personable and funny. BUT on your first visit, you won't be able to get the cream, meant for healing of scars. He'll only prescribed it to you on your second consultation.

Overall, for my first visit, takeaway of: Consultation, cleanser, a month's worth of medication,
Bill: $100 - $150!

Using phone.

Side-by-side comparison.

I'd say, it helps CONTROL new acnes from forming (means new pigmentations and scarrings ugh), reduce redness, and flattens the 3D bumps. So yes, visiting Dr Chan is a good first, introductory step to clearer skin for me.

However, of course I'd definitely not want to depend on medication forever to sustain my skin, plus the fact before consuming Acnotin, doctor Chan would let you sign a release form to verify you're not pregnant, or to give it to friends who are. So.. Yea I dont wanna take it for long-term.:)

But I took away with the consultations etc, the understanding of the roots of MY problems.
Or most causes of acnes in fact, in summary, fundamentally it's - Oil, dirt, clogged pores, lack of hydration for your skin to renew at cellular level. Just remove all these problems, and you'll be more or less maintaining an acne-free face

2) Make-up, removal and application - What I use (targeted at reducing oil, dirt, clogged pores, increase hydration)

So, like I said, I've always taken my default good skin for granted, ever since I started doing make-up from 15, I've never used proper make up removal till I was 21, when problems literally started popping up (pun intended).

So now I use Biore aqua jelly makeup removal!

It's a drugstore product, easy to restock, contains moisturizing essence, removes make-up after entire day of it plastered to your face, and hydrates your face at the same time. :)

Let's look at the chart:

Biore aqua jelly makeup removal is priced at $24.90 I believe, and 2 modest pumps can wash my entire face :)

First removing my falsies etc :)

Then, I follow the removal regime with a deeper cleansing with this, 4D Vibration Smart Clean Pore Brush (TOSOWOONG):

As you can see, it cleans off whatever residual makeup I've on after the make-up removal, it's kinda nifty for eye makeup, I just roll it around! And it's a fraction of the price of the Clarisonics. :)
Plus it actually doubles up as BB cream/foundation applicator, you just switch the head to the foundation puff and it's supposed to go on blended practically pore-less! (though I've yet to try it personally)

Adding on one to unclogging of pores...

Aftermath, I'd either alternate between :

a) Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

< $25.


b) Skin Inc Pure Revival Chemical Peel 

(pictures credit to google)


Tada, clean.

I love them both! :) The crappiest feeling is when you spent a buck load of money and the products cause you break-outs instead!
I got the volcanic clay mask last Christmas.. 3 months into it, I still have half a tub left. :) 

As for the pure revival peel, Skin Inc got me so hooked - The dead skins literally peels off, exfoliating your skin, brightening it, and maximizing the absorption of other skin care products you'll be using. (Yay never waste money) And your skin becomes INSTANTLY SMOOTHER. I'm a sucker for instant results, very impatient person.

So I recently went ahead and spammed $400++ worth of Skin Inc, mixed with other facial products online! (Liquid Gold, Dr GL, Loreal, Mario Badescu) :)

Will update on these next time I guess, then anyway, after cleansing, just seal it all in with your toner, etc! 
The rest of my skincare regime products are also mostly from Innisfree Jeju Volcanic range. :)

3) Daily tweaks and maintenance - What I use (still targeted at reducing oil, dirt, clogged pores, increase hydration, to remove basic roots of acne.)

 Since I'm working in an office environment, we are under aircon all day long, our face tends to get dehydrated, dry, and oily after a long day of make-up! 

So I use these 2 products to regulate my facial conditions in the office.

a) Mario Badescu Special Healing Powder.

(picture credits to google) 

This sulphur-based powder helps to control excess oil while reducing irritation caused by breakouts, and healing and concealing redness and acne. :) 

Application: I'll just apply this once or twice throughout the day whenever my face feels oily! The powder is green in color, but once you blend it out, it's fine :)  


Another to the charts!

b) Etude House Moistfull Soothing Mist.

Application: Same application to the powder, use when necessary, sooth and moisturize! But it kinda make my make-up smudgy sometimes, will give Mario Badescu's mist spray a try and see how it goes!
'Hydration', checked. :)

3) Lifestyle and habits.

Honestly, I'm not kidding, it's cliche.. But your day-to-day habits are the most important in maintaining that acnes don't pop up. Pimples I can deal, they are not as red, and they don't leave a mark on me. But acnes are troublesome. Red, leave pigmentation and scars. :(

So I emphasize! Results don't materialize overnight.. But really, drink alot alot of water, do not squeeze or run your hand repeatedly over the inflamed area throughout your day absentmindedly, you've been told, your hands are dirtyyyyyy. It's a hard habit to knock off, but tryyyyyy. And it's not like you can rub it off your face!

So, 2 more checked!

While doing all these, I've completely stopped taking the medication or using the cream (which the scarring cream don't work for me, personally. But it's okay.) from Dr Chan, and yes, my face maintained to have no new bouts of acne break-outs, my scars have gradually lightened :)

Which is good! I've gotten my goal of not being completely dependent on pills! *confettis*

And now.

With foundation and residual eyeliner on the left, and completely make-up-free on the right! 

Left (Bits of post-work foundation left on) 

Right (No make up at all. Even my double eye-lid disappeared zzz.)

Disclaimer: My skin is definitely not the best, and I maintain that I still have light scarring and pigmentation left... But this is what I did that permanently rid acne breakouts occurrence! :)

I hope it helps some of you.. And if any of you guys have some holy grail methods/products/advice to share with me too, please let me know down below! Or any reliable and awesome lasik clinics! :)

(Oh no, the link is not working, click here instead!:

Now for a spam of chio-er made-up photos of me okie, because I shared too many ugly make-up-less and acne-plagued before photos it makes me saddddddddd.
But the awesome thing is that early last year I've to caked on loads of concealer, BB cream, foundation layers, now I just need concealer for my undereye and foundation powder. ^_^


And on a side note, I'm now embarking on a new mission to get more toned and lose 5KG!
Good luck to me! And to you guys who're struggling with acnes too!


P/S: This is what I did, by no means I claim to be a skin expert okie! 
PP/S: One lifehack to get just the cleanser and/or cream only (no medication) from Dr Chan without queuing or paying consultation would be to just get it straight from the aunties at the counter! :)


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